27 November, 2008

Thankful, I am.

What am I thankful for?

America, what are you thankful for?

I'm sure numerous blogs have been posted, speeches given at dinner, and cards exchanged; all of which elude to the idea that we should be thankful for each other and what we have in this world. Yet tonight I'm feeling a bit cynical.

The world is a mess. Poverty is at an all time high. AIDS is running rampant in other countries and growing in our own. Our economy is crumbling. Terrorists, drunk with ignorance and fundamentalism, are plotting to kill people every day. The prisons are crowded. The streets are unsafe. The list goes on and on, who knows what's going to happen tomorrow. Anything is possible in this shitty world...but...maybe I'm thankful for all of that.

We've been presented with a unique opportunity, one which hasn't been an option to the younger demographic since the 60s, and do you know what it is: It's the power to give a damn and do something about it.

I look around every day and I see young people intensely interested in politics. I know kids who stay up at night drinking beer and watching Anderson Cooper, getting hammered while debating issues. I see activists who won't take "no" for an answer. I've read columns proudly proclaiming: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" I've seen charity. I've seen understanding. I've seen hate, and I've seen hate create immense love.

In the span of a week all these things have presented themselves to me and if it wasn't for the fucked up state of the world, I don't know if I would have seen it.

Our race possesses the unique ability to pull together when the chips are down and I don't have to tell you that the chips are far from down, they already hit the floor. Still I can't help but feel optimistic. Things are going to get worse, but they will also get better. We have an opportunity to make things right for everyone in this country, not just the upper crust or middle class. We have been given the chance to set into motion a long term vision for prosperity, and we have to hold our politicians to it. No more need to point fingers; we know why things got so bad. But it's because they got so bad that we can now take action.

We may live in one hell of a depressing place, but I'm thankful that I'm alive to see a time which is bringing the best out of people. There are a great many evils out there, but there is a lot of good too. Tomorrow is truly a new day if you wish it to be. I'm ready. Are you?

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